When Custody and Support Orders Need to be Modified
Many times a divorce still can leave some issues unresolved. Life does not stand still after a divorce or after the issuance of a child custody order. There are often very good reasons to go back to court and ask for a modification of a court order. At Parker & Parker Attorneys at Law, our lawyers help people navigate legal challenges that come along with life changes.
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From law offices in Peoria, we can advise you anywhere in Illinois as you deal with a situation such as the following.
- Salaries go up and down, resulting in a need to change the amount of child support to reflect the new figures.
- Kids go to college and you may need the court to help determine how much you, your spouse and your child are going to pay. College tuition is not part of child support but many divorcing couples include it in a divorce settlement agreement. Once the time comes, implementing the terms of the agreement can become problematic — and need modifying.
- Maintenance or alimony was ordered, but now you or your former spouse is retiring or one of you has suffered an illness or injury or lost a job.
- Initially you agreed to two visitation days per week because your work didn’t allow you more. But now your schedule has changed and you would like to petition the court for more visitation time with your children.
- Your child has named the other parent in accusations of abuse or the other parent has gone to prison for a crime that may be unrelated to the parent-child relationship. For your child’s protection, you want to ask the court for sole physical custody or supervised visits for the other parent. You want the court to release you and your child from a mandatory visitation schedule.
Any number of life changes can occur as the years pass. Family members do the hard work of adjusting to change. As full-service family law attorneys, we are here to help you address the legal process of seeking or contesting a post-divorce modification of a court order. Call 309-673-0069 or send an email inquiry to schedule a consultation.